欢迎各位影迷在此在线收看《鬼信使》的高清完整版。该片是由著名导演Goo Bong-ho 的一部精彩的动画 类影视作品,主演有未知等,本片主要讲述的是Master Kang-rim is a ghost messenger who's on a mission to capture a spirit when he makes a mistake and gets locked up in his soul phone. Meanwhile, Little Kang-rim is an ordinary 12-year old boy who lives with his grandfather who runs an antique shop. Kang-rim has a special gift that allows him to see spirits. The phone ends up in his hands. The boy starts using the powers of ...
同时该系列还有以下影片值得推荐:《钢铁侠:噬甲危机》《BLUE THERMAL -青凪大学体育会航空部》《名侦探柯南:侦探们的镇魂歌 中文版》《鲁邦三世:再见搭档》《怪物弹珠 THE MOVIE 空之彼方》《一拳超人 第二季》